How to unwire perfectionism with flexible thinking with Poppy Jamie




Show Notes

Why do we need to think differently? How are our thinking styles harming our health? We can set the illusion with ourselves that everything is fine with material success, but this illusion can come at a high cost in our mental health, resulting in low self-esteem, insecurity and anxiety.

We are often most terrified of the thing that makes us the most human, the ability to feel. We’ve created our own patterns through learnt behaviours of how we should perform, think and feel, yet is this pattern really making us happy?

To help me delve into this conversation a little further, I speak with Poppy Jamie who is one of the world’s leading entrepreneurs, podcast hosts and speakers in the mental wellbeing and mindfulness space.

Poppy is on a mission to democratise conversation and tools for emotional and mental health and she shares more on this in today’s episode.

Show notes:

Host: @sarahannmacklin |

Mental Health: @be_well_collective | 

Guest: Poppy Jamie @poppyjamie | | Buy Poppy's book at

Felix Clarke

Partnership Director - Cloudbase Partners

Specialist advice to help you meet the unique challenges of deploying, supporting and managing a remote team.

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