The Surprising Link Between Dyslexia and Extreme Wealth with Kate Griggs, Made By Dyslexia
Show Notes
Dyslexic thinking is game-changing. Everything from the light bulb to the iPhone, the aeroplane to the motor car, was invented by a dyslexic mind. These skills are vital in shaping the future. Yet school systems are lagging behind. Traditional teaching and exams leave dyslexic kids feeling undervalued. Kate Griggs founded the charity Made By Dyslexia to help the world embrace and understand dyslexic thinking.
In this episode, Kate will tell you how to make the most of your dyslexia or neurodivergence and share her son’s emotional journey with dyslexia.
00:00 The world needs minds that think differently
00:18 How are dyslexic brains different?
02:03 The benefits of dyslexia?
10:33 How to remove the stigma of dyslexia?
16:38 The system needs to change, but how?
21:00 Kate’s journey with dyslexia
35:34 Understand your superpower
Website mentioned:
Follow Kate Griggs @dyslexicthinking on Instagram
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